Discover Your Heritage

Groups and Field Trip Information

A group of men in military uniforms are marching down a street in Edenton commenmorating the Penelope Barker House.

Planning Ahead for Groups & Field Trips

The Historic Albemarle Highway is a treasure trove of over 20 historic sites, each offering group programs and field trips. Simplify your planning with easy access to each site for scheduling, including dates, times, and contact details. Ideal for school outings, homeschooling adventures, and family excursions, this hub makes it effortless to organize a memorable journey through history.

Be sure to check each site to plan your visit.  We look forward to seeing you on the trail.

Explore Our History to Find Treasures of Your Past

Explore the Historic Albemarle Highway, a self-guided driving adventure that showcases the vibrant history of Northeast North Carolina.

Since 1975, this heritage trail has drawn visitors to trace the paths of Native Americans, colonists, soldiers, and pirates.

Experience over 400 years of history with activities for all ages. Engaging exhibits and living history demonstrations await!

The site guide offers essential information to plan your journey, and we look forward to welcoming you!